Friday, 9 April, 2021 UTC


Traffic Jams is now out! Let's check it out together, singleplayer AND multiplayer! :) You can join in tonight as well on your phone! ► Our VR equipment kit & tips here → (affiliate) ► Subscribe here → In this wacky VR game, control traffic your way in the face of outrageous events and flagrant road rage. Easy? Think again! Traffic Jams throws in monsters, (un)natural disasters, and up to 4 non-VR friends in party mode. The game released yesterday on April 8, 2021. A big thanks to Vertigo Games for supporting the channel by sponsoring today's live stream! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TODAY'S TOPICS - Chary plays - Cas hosts - Come chill & hangout with us ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LINKS ► More info on Traffic Jams here → ► Our VR equipment kit & tips here → (affiliate) May contain affiliate links that earn us a small referral fee from qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NORMAL SCHEDULE Every Friday at: 🕛 12 PM PT 🕛 3 PM ET 🕘 9 PM CET 🕗 8 PM GMT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT THE CONTENT EXTRA Subscribing and watching our videos is by far the biggest support you can give us. However, if you want to do more - you can also donate. All donations go to improving the channel. BUY US A COFFEE & BOOST THE CHANNEL ► One-time donation → BECOME A CHAMPION (LONG-TIME SUPPORTER) ► Become our Patron → ► Become a Sponsor on YouTube → ► Buy our VR Merch → ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR GEAR Our VR Equipment & Tips → Our PC Specs → MUSIC Music we use is from Epidemic Sounds → ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GET LATEST UPDATES Twitter → Facebook → Instagram → Join our Discord → ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A SPECIAL THANKS to these Patreon Champs 🛡️ for their support: 😘 BaxornVR, Wintceas, Barr'd4Life, Andy, Albert, Ben P., Steve Dunlap, Thomas M. Rice, Andy Fidel, VR Balance, Nathan Schmidt, Old Lady Gamer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER This live stream is sponsored by Vertigo Games! Links in this description may contain affiliate links. We may earn from qualifying purchases (it doesn't cost you more). VR on! - Cas and Chary VR #trafficjams #vr #casandchary