Thursday, 23 June, 2022 UTC


fpsVR is a utility application for SteamVR that show VR session’s performance counters in SteamVR Overlay window inside VR. Features include:Display of the current FPS and the average FPS for VR session, Display of the GPU & CPU usage (and Max CPU/Thread Usage – the maximum instantaneous usage among all threads/cores in the system), Display of the GPU MEM & RAM usage, Display of the GPU & CPU frametimes , Display of the GPU temperature and CPU temperature (Experimental feature), Display of the Ratio of reprojected frames to presented frames, Display of the number of dropped frames, Display of the current time and duration of the VR session, Display the batteries charge of the controllers (and Vive trackers) in percentages., Ability to set default playback and record devices, ability to mute/unmute the microphone using VR headset proximity sensor, ability to change Steam VR audio settings, SteamVR Supersampling settings & Motion Smoothing settings,?able
The Lab Info
The Lab Developer: Valve
The Lab Publisher: Valve
The Lab Rating: Very Positive
The Lab Release Date: Apr 5, 2016
The Lab Review
The Lab System Requirements
Minimum Recommended
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