Thursday, 30 January, 2020 UTC


Measuring up to the wants of extremely conscious buyers, the consumer industry, known as the one that depends heavily on shopper behavior, is embracing augmented reality as the new trend. Catching on to why your customers buy is a secret formula for developing a successful sales strategy.
The way customers think and behave has always had a huge impact on their final decisions. Luckily, there’s a new buying trigger, called augmented reality, and you can use it for your business.

AR Can Actually Influence the Users’ Purchase Intention

As reported by a study in International Marketing, augmented reality influences a person’s pleasure receptors and their willingness to move towards a goal (in our situation, to buy a product). Holographic interaction increases the perception of a product and has an immediate positive effect on the client.
Brand’s purpose is about solving the customer’s needs — and in the buying process, there is largely an information deficit. Shoppers are looking for information to help them choose the right solution, and reassure that the decision is right. There’s no better technology than augmented reality to provide exhaustive information regarding a product. Why? Just because it’s not enough to see a picture on a website or app. Everyone want’s to somehow see how the product feels and how it can be used. A simple augmented reality experience of placing a virtual sofa in a living room will definitely convert viewers into buying customers.

Trending AR VR Articles:

1. Ready Player One : How Close Are We?
2. Augmented Reality — with React-Native
3. Five Augmented Reality Uses That Solve Real-Life Problems
4. Virtual Reality Headsets: What are the Options? Which is Right For You?

A Gap Between an Intention and Purchase

There’s always a gap between an intention and an actual purchase. If you continually improve your marketing techniques, you may see that your visitors spend quite a bit amount of time before they put it into a basket. Why is it so long? They have an intention but there’s still some hesitation. Can I wear this dress with my favorite pumps? Will this fridge fit nicely to my kitchen?
They are not sure if they should buy it. And here’s a gap.
Another study conducted by Copenhagen Business School showed that people who virtually tried on a product decided to buy it than those exposed to traditional marketing. If I can see the product description on the webpage it’s traditional. Augmented reality marketing virtually puts the product in the prospect’s hands, allowing them to explore it and form their own conclusions on its benefits and quality.

Why Does Augmented Reality Have an Impact on the Buying Decision?

AR creates a really strong emotional bond by adding digital images to the real world. It makes users feel like they already own a product which ultimately strengthens a desire to buy. Shoppers identify its advantages and picture how much better their life could be if they had it.
Augmented reality also makes users trust your brand. Today it’s not easy to quickly establish a good reputation and become a company people rely on. AR is the most convenient mechanism for customers to experiment with a product, get accustomed with size, color, and other features.

Winding Up

To put simply: small changes add up. By integrating augmented reality into your application you will strengthen the users’ purchase intention and possibly convert them into buying customers.
Moreover, this technology has never been only for brands, as buyers benefit from AR as well.
This is exactly why odds are that augmented reality is going to be one of the most used tools for marketing in retail and other businesses.
It is often a tough decision for an organization to invest in augmented reality solution creation.
AVRspot inc. provides a unique possibility to create MVP (minimum viable product) without any risks*.
* Please contact us to learn more about our “No Risks Program”
Related: 5 Simple Augmented Reality Business Ideas You Can Implement Today
Related: 5 Virtual Reality Related Business Ideas For 2019

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Augmented Reality for Business: Effects of AR on Consumer Psychology and Behavior was originally published in AR/VR Journey: Augmented & Virtual Reality Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.