Thursday, 21 May, 2020 UTC


Mozilla's Mixed Reality team is excited to announce the first public release of Firefox Reality in the Microsoft store. We announced at Mobile World Congress 2019 that we were working with Microsoft to bring a mixed reality browser to the HoloLens 2 platform, and we're proud to share the result of that collaboration.
Firefox Reality is an experimental browser for a promising new platform, and this initial release focuses on exposing the powerful AR capabilities of HoloLens 2 devices to web developers through the new WebXR standard.
The 2D browser windowAn immersive Babylon.js experience
This release highlights several early demos which are built on standard Babylon.js and three.js libraries. That means the same pages can be loaded in AR or VR headsets, or in a 2D desktop browser, without requiring the developer to create a custom experience for each platform.
The Firefox Reality team continues to work on standardizing and implementing new WebXR modules to expand the web platform's capabilities on the device. We encourage developers with HoloLens 2 access to give our new browser a spin and explore the potential for bringing new experiences to the augmented reality web!
Get it today!