Tuesday, 10 August, 2021 UTC


Dream Wars

EvolVR X-Meditators
CIA s not a fixed entity. It is a construct, one that is always evolving in multiple directions at the same time. It has no imperative beyond its own survival and growth.
CIA is more than the organization headquartered in Langley, Virginia. CIA is shorthand for a Most Effective Network (MEN), comprised of overlapping sub-networks at war and peace with themselves and each other and everyone else, always fluid. MEN produces the narratives of Exceptionalism and funds the development and deployment of weapon systems.
CIA’s natural enemies are not foreign powers. Foreign powers are its mother and father. It enjoys roughhousing with its siblings, the NSAs, DIAs, and G-2s, but they’re still family. CIA’s real enemy is any force that can help build a new world that doesn’t need CIAs.
If we felt less anxious about each other and more aware of what we all have in common, that would be a problem. MEN needs you nervous.
If there was a simple technique that many people could do, that doesn’t cost anything, and that could reduce anxiety and maybe more — CIA would need to investigate, exploit, and neutralize it if necessary. Or go down trying.
Itzhak Bentov, wikidata.org
There are extraordinary individuals who anticipate and have the first iteration done so the early adopters have something to adopt.
Intuitive knowing and hands-on savvy is a rare combo but it’s what you need when you’re dropped into the Negev Desert before the age of twenty barely escaping the concentration camp where your parents died.
When people needed a source of calm and competence in impossible situations, Itzhak (‘he who laughs’) was that person. When Ben Gurion needed anti-tank defense, Itzhak designed one.

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Itzhak ‘Ben’ Bentov made it out of the desert and re-settled near Boston where he helped invent the field of bio-medical engineering.
That was his side gig. His main project was figuring out the mechanism of action in meditation and measuring it.
The hardest part of figuring out how meditation works is defining, ‘works.’ Reduced anxiety is a second order effect, not a mechanism of action.
Ben believed meditation synchronizes different micromotions in the body, a dynamic that could be observed and that could potentially account for some the other effects also being observed. Synchronization.
He saw his ideas about meditation as a way of describing the mechanics of consciousness and he published a book in 1977 with that strange subtitle. The title, “Stalking the Wild Pendulum,” is even stranger. “Stalking the Wild Asparagus,” Euell Gibbons’ canonical ecological eating book established that phrase, but wtf is the pendulum about?
The pendulum is an archetypal oscillating system. Back and forth, with a singular point at both the back and the forth that isn’t either. Being a moment of rest, not motion, is a big deal to Ben Bentov.
He says in his book that anyone, you and me in theory, can go anywhere and be at any time in that moment of rest. The opportunity occurs about 7 times per second. I’m not making this up.
Robert Moneo, source: Lucid Mind Center
‘You just don’t know with Robert Monroe,’ is how I’ve looked at his out-of-body claims since I first came across them in 1971, when Journeys Out of Body was originally published.
He said some lower density form of himself traveled along telephone and power lines and took in information while not inhabiting his normal body.
He was a down-to-earth businessman, very credible. No woo-woo with Monroe. It wasn’t astral projection, it was an Out-of-Body Experience, OBE. Let’s just call it what it is.
He was already a self-made millionaire by the age of 40. Free to pursue whatever interested him, he stuck with what he already knew, professional audio recording, which he initially he focused on sleep learning.
At 43 he had his first OBE.
Up to 10% of the population claims to have had an out of body experience as Monroe describes them, which means that 90% have not. Well, suppose there was a way for anyone to experience OBE’s reliably and predictably by using sophisticated (for its time) audio techniques? Then you’d have a valuable commodity to sell.
Monroe owned an audio production business. He had a good reason to teach people DIY OBEs on tape — he was all set up to produce and distribute the audio cassettes. Extraordinary claims such as his should expect to be questioned, especially when the fiscal connection is so apparent.
But if there was even a chance that the OBE system worked, that some red blooded American could teach GI Joes how to travel super fast on phone lines, CIA needed to be in on it.
When Monroe started rolling out his OBE tapes in 1972, ARPA was becoming DARPA so they could invent the Internet.
They also hired RAND to show there was already a paranormal race arms underway and the US was losing to the same team that just took the Olympic Basketball Gold Medal away.
Soviets cultivated promising subjects, collected data, and had a theory guiding the program — for basketball and paranormal skill development.
Paranormal Briefing, RAND Report
Losing at hoops to the Communists was part of new awareness of US decline in the early 1970s, most exemplified by the 1973 Oil Embargo
Gas Station in Potlatch, WA, 1974, wikipedia
It brought a new kind of fright, distributed everywhere and symbolized by gas stations with impossibly long lines, or closed down and in some cases turned into Revival Halls.
Many commentators have pointed to October, 1973 as an inflection point for the fabricated set of desires known as The American Dream.
Most people who weren’t white never had a shot at it anyway and by the mid-1970s it started to become obvious to more and more white people that they weren’t going to be living the Dream either.
New Dreams replace old Dreams in the process of generating their opposite. It is contested territory.
Where does this contest take place? Where are Dreams recycled and new ones published?
Be Here Now
Ram Dass, often cited for kicking off the New Age with Be Here Now, didn’t hesitate to talk about the supernatural in a lighthearted way, including where we sometimes go when we when dream. The Astral Plane. Who doesn’t know that?
When you can’t tune in to the frequencies, that part of the Universe isn’t in your reality. In the Astral part of the Universe, things vibrate very fast, oscillations aren’t stepped down to the range our receptors are built for.
Ram Dass put in the work, did the training to extend his personal frequency range. Others have too. That’s one way to make the Astral Plane part of your life.
The other way is to dream.
Dream Wars, Part 2

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X-Meditators vs CIA, Part 1 was originally published in AR/VR Journey: Augmented & Virtual Reality Magazine on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.